Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Investment In Uncertain Economic Times

There seems to be a lot of varying information out there regarding investment during uncertain economic times.  One train of thought advocates buying stocks when the value is lower so that when the economy eventually rebounds, the value of the stock you bought at a depressed rate will rise and result in a decent profit.  Another train of thought advocates reconsidering your current investment mix to attempt to reduce risk.  One thing that is clear is that in any case, maintaining diversity in the types of investment and different industry you are investing in when you buy stocks is key.

Ing Direct Canada offers 3 different mutual fund investments with different levels of risk.  The mutual funds are broken up into categories based on the level of risk inherent in investing in them.  So there are low, moderate and higher risk.  The general idea is that the higher the risk, the greater the potential for profit.  What is important to remember is to always use common sense.  If it is going to keep you up at night worrying because of your investment choice, then just don't do it!!  If you are okay with the potential for a lower rate of return, but less chance that you will lose money, then go with a mutual fund that is weighted more towards bonds.  If you are more of a risk taker and plan to keep your money invested for a longer period of time, then go with a mutual fund that has more stocks.  ING Direct Canada offers a great set of tools and information that will allow you to assess the amount of risk you want to take.

For more information:

And remember if you decide to open an account with a minimum $100 investment to use Orange Key 35638912S1 to get your FREE $25 for just opening the account!!    

1 comment:

  1. ING is now giving 50 dollars instead of 25, but hurry up, offer ends on Aug 31st 2012.. After this date it comes back to $25
